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︎一般版書衣:黑色塗鴉無熱感應效果 the original cover
without temperature sensitive ink.
熱硬預購中 Pre-order Available Now・新書期間 79 折優惠 21% off

書名 inappropriate 為不適當之意,於本書亦指在不適當的時間、空間,進行不當的蓄意勃起。本書採純白精裝,如同性的探索過程--終將由白淨染上屬於自身的好色。

書中前段寫實紀錄兩人深闖情慾場所,直擊跟拍 Bill 與路人情愫勾動後的一場激情;後段透過人良土兀的敘事編排,描繪 Bill 的精人日常生活,並重新建構辦公室中的職場淫威。

In this book, Bill shows his dick on purpose while they are at inappropriate time and places. The white hardcover looks very appropriate, but it’s very inappropriate inside.

The first part presents that Bill and JAO explore a old theater, Bill makes eye contact with a random guy in the building, whatever happens next all are recorded by JAO. The second part describes Bill's personal sexual active, and JAO tries to build an inappropriate relationship in an office.