
JAOfilm No.2

Digital product
Content: Video
Length:8m 12s

學長 JASON 終於等到為情所苦的學弟 ANDY 自行送上門來。盛夏的午後,學長的手指悄悄地遊移到學弟的大腿旁,小心地試探體內仍殘留酒精的學弟,他的粗屌在半睡半醒中敏感的硬了起來。學長凝視著眼前的粗屌,止不住的慾望從鼻尖氣息開始蔓延。

The story in the summer, young boy recalls this no ending story while he is alone, but he knows this summer story left a deep worming memory in his mind.

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